UThukela District Municipality

Social Services Portfolio Committee

Main Objective:

The abovementioned committee shall oversee the following:

  • Development and implementation of IDP’s
  • Planning
  • Disaster Management
  • Social & Local Economic Development
  • Land Affairs matters
  • Special Programmes
  • Communication
  • Public Participation
  • Operation Sukuma Sakhe

Terms of Reference:

  • The committee may perform any duties and exercise any powers delegated to it by the Municipal Council or the Executive Committee in terms of Section 80 (3) (b) of the Structures Act.
  • The committee shall advise Exco to ensure equitable distribution of resources and finances between the district municipality and local municipalities (category B’s), as well as between individual local municipalities.

Integrated Development Planning:

  • The committee shall co-ordinate the annual revision of the Integrated Development Plan (IDP), and the preparation of the annual budget, and determining how the IDP is to be taken into account, or revised, for the purpose of the budget.

Disaster Management:

  • The committee shall ensure continuous and integrated multi-sectoral and multidisciplinary approach towards the provision of social services aimed at the management of disasters and better health for all in the district;
  • Identify projects and devise strategies aimed at:
  1. preventing or reducing the risk of disasters;
  2. mitigating the severing and consequences of disasters
  3. emergency preparedness
  4. a rapid and effective response to disasters; and
  5. post-disaster recovery and rehabilitation.
  • Prioritise projects giving preference to those with high risk factors
  • Co-ordinate the preparation and implementation of a disaster management plan.

Social & Local Economic Development:

The economic section is divided into two (2) categories or sections that is Local Economic Development and Tourism.

Local Economic Development:

  • To encourage economic development through the co-ordination of services provided by various departments and NGO’s
  • Increasing community access to services and the reduction in delivery costs
  • Creating economic opportunities at service delivery points
  • Stimulating investment opportunities and partnership
  • Creating opportunities for greater diversification of economic opportunity
  • Encourage the establishment of small business and self help projects
  • The provision of training and guidance related to the abovementioned within the ambit and resources of the Council


The aim of the tourism policy is to facilitate, co-ordinate, stimulate and activate the development and promotion of tourism in accordance with the principles of sustainable tourism development within the Uthukela District Municipality thereby:

  • Developing a greater awareness and understanding within the local community and institutional structures (local authorities) of the significant contributions that tourism can make to the economy and the environment.
  • Promote and facilitate equal access to opportunities for all scales of tourism development and operation.
  • Ensuring that the full value of the natural and cultural environment are taken into account in all development decisions, so as to create opportunities for employment and income generation.
  • Evaluating tourism development, to ensure capital wealth generation does not outweigh the value of social, cultural and environmental considerations.
  • Promoting and marketing the region at a national and international tourist destination.
  • Promoting working partnerships among the network of stakeholders involved in tourism development, including scientific research agencies and local communities.

Youth, Gender, Sports and Recreation:

The pursuit of both sport and recreation facilities contributes to the development of man and woman and their mental, physical and emotional well being thereby:

  • Negotiating with relevant organisations for the development of facilities at particular schools and communities and the acceptance of ownership
  • Developing facilities physically
  • Training development officers to educate the community with respect to sport and recreational activities.
  • Educating the community generally in terms of the value and importance of sport and recreation.
  • Continue identifying funding sources for sport and recreation promotion.
  • Promoting all types of sport in the district.
  • Scrutinizing and giving approval to community, youth, gender, and sports priority issues.
  • Approving budget allocations pertaining to promotion of youth, gender, sports, cultural, educational and related activities.
  • Being responsible for setting the framework and strategy for the above mentioned issues and further communicate it to relevant committees.
  • Serves as the decision making body for all issues pertaining to gender, youth, education, cultural activities, and sports involved in local government initiatives.