UThukela District Municipality

Department Of Social And Economic Development


General Manager (Acting)

Social and Economic Development consist of the following sections:

  • Planning and Local Economic Development
  • Disaster Management


  • To assist economical distressed communities by promoting a favorable business environment through strategic investment public infrastructure and technology.
  • To provide tools and information to maximise district competitiveness and enable economic growth for UThukela Industries.
  • To enhance economic growth for communities by developing partnership with private sectors and non-governmental organisations.
  • To promote GIS services and its benefits, create awareness of how GIS can assist functions of the departments.
  • To initiate, facilitate, coordinate, catalyse and implement an integrated rural development programme.
  • To promote productivity in land reform projects through effective implementation of the recapitalisation and development programme.
  • To assist in tourism planning through the development of tourism policies and preparation of long term plan.
  • To appraise and monitor tourism projects.
  • To prepare and provide statistical data and information on tourism matters.
  • To act as a repository of spatial data in the district.
  • To provide professional planning services in the district.
  • To develop SDF for the District.
  • To assist local municipalities with the assessment of the development planning applications in terms of Spatial land use act.
  • To initiate strategic development plans in response to development challenges.
  • To create awareness around disaster and assist communities during times of need.
  • To attend to complains and incidents reported by the community.
Email: pa.ses@uthukela.gov.za Telephone: 036 638 5100